2023 Signage Trends You Should Know About

While it’s hard to believe, 2023 is here. Of course, with each new year comes new trends that business owners must pay attention to if they want to keep their customers and following interested and satisfied.
The same is true for the signage industry, and as you know by now, the signs you use throughout your storefront can have a direct impact on your existing and new customers. So, what types of signs are trending this year? Let’s dive in.
Sustainable Signage
Sustainability in signage (and all business activity) has been trending for some time — and will only continue to make an impact throughout the years. Millennials and Gen Z are especially increasing their priority for eco-friendliness, so it’s not surprising that sustainable signage is being called into demand.
People today want to know that the businesses they love are doing everything they can to minimize their carbon footprint on the planet. Otherwise, they’ll be quick to withdraw their support and take their money elsewhere. That’s the world we live in now (thankfully), and it’s time to follow suit.
Wood and recycled acrylic signs are both top choices when it comes to sustainable signage. They’re both durable and long-lasting, and wood especially makes an environmentally conscious statement — especially if the wood is sustainably sourced!
LED Signage
LED lighting on signage is another popular trend that’s expected to continuously rise in its popularity this year. Not only is LED lighting more energy efficient (compared to its neon counterpart) but it’s also much more eco-friendly and sustainable.
Part of what makes LED lighting so much more eco-friendly is that it’s long-lasting and doesn’t emit any UV or heat. Its low voltage operation is what makes it more energy-efficient as well, plus it has a flexible array of options to match the rest of your business decor.
Therefore, if it’s good for your energy bill, aesthetics, and the environment, then it’s perfect for business!
Minimalist Signage
Minimalism is having a huge moment, and that moment isn’t going to pass any time soon. This is because minimalism is the embodiment of straightforward designs, clean lines, and colors that are easy on the eyes.
As far as signs go, minimalism makes use of just the name and logo of a business as it’s much simpler for customers to identify. Again, it’s also easy on the eyes since the message is straightforward and there aren’t any layers of imaging that lead the eyes away from said message. Overall, minimalism in signage allows your business to stand out from all the “marketing clutter” seen everywhere else, which can make a bigger impact with less effort.
Digital Signage
With the constant technological advancements being made, digital signage is only getting better. Therefore, the demand for it has become another mainstay in 2023.
The digital signage options out there now are virtually limitless, utilizing everything from artificial intelligence (AI) to interactive displays and even voice-activated displays. This makes for endless possibilities in marketing your business’s message or core values throughout your store or even right in front.
Personalized Signage
Personalization is predicted to become a major trend this year as the demand for more social interaction and personal touches increases. Customization such as QR codes and augmented reality (AR) has changed the way the public interacts with signs in general.
Now they can opt to receive more valuable information from a single sign, including special offers and event dates. Plus, customers genuinely love when they feel heard or seen as well as when their core values align with a business’s core values.
Looking to update your business’s signs to reflect 2023’s signage trends? We can help you with that. In addition to updating your business’s signs, we offer acrylic reclamation services where we help “de-brand” your existing site during restoration. We can collect and send off your material for recycling for the existing location or keep it for use in future projects. This ensures a 100% closed-loop system which virtually eliminates any need for new materials.
Reach out to Identity Group today to learn more about our services.