SKU: 90725

Marriott Hotels, Springhill Suites, Springhill Suites | New Build/Conversions, Springhill Suites | Renovations

Law Rate Insert


Dimensions: 6.75"w x 9"h x 0.02"d

Weight: 0.02 lbs

Lead Time: 15 Business Days

Insert, flat copy, no mounting

Check Out Time: (i.e. 12 noon)

Double Beds $

Queen Bed $

King Bed $

Every Additional Person $

State Code(s)

Enter state/province for codes (i.e: AZ,CA,SK)
• Results entered won’t display in preview
• A representative will reach out for proof

Is there a safe available in each guestroom?

If Yes, how many rooms have a safe?

What number do you dial to contact emergency services


  • • An IdG representative will reach out for any additional questions & details.
  • • Once all information is gathered, our team will create a proof for client review.
  • • After client approval, your maps will go into production. 15-20 business day lead time.

  • Please note: We recommend placing all law rate inserts, evac and map orders separate from your other products.

    Reffer Lead time and Shipping questions to our FAQ page